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Guilt-ridden shoplifter sends bar owner €50 and letter of apology

‘There is still some honesty in the world,’ Alexandre Goncalves De Oliveira says after man confesses he stole a handful of sweets as a boy

A shoplifter has sent a written apology and a €50 note to the owner of a bar that the guilt-ridden thief stole sweets from as a child.
While opening his post, Alexandre Goncalves De Oliveira was surprised to find the anonymous typewritten note that included a confession, the cash and a heartfelt apology.
The owner of Le Provençal, a bar and tobacco shop, in the town of Uzès in the south of France, posted the details on social media over the weekend.
“Hello, I am writing this letter to apologise and make amends for a mistake I made during my childhood,” the letter starts.
“Indeed, when I was a little boy, I stole a handful of sweets from your tobacco shop Le Provençal.”
In earnest language, the shoplifter apologised and sent well-wishes to the owner.
“That is why I have attached a 50 euro note to this letter to reimburse you and to present my biggest and sincere apologies.
“I am sorry for having stolen from you and I wish the best for you, your loved ones and your business.”
The letter is then signed, “Respectfully, Anonymous”.
Mr Oliveira, 46, initially assumed he was the victim of a prank.
“I thought it was a joke at first,” he told France Bleu Gard Lozère, the local news site. “Then I checked the 50 euro note. It was real.”
His social media post of the letter included the caption: “There is still some honesty in this world.”
Mr Oliveira said he understood that the letter and money was meant to clear the person’s conscience.
He also wondered aloud if the person was a bar regular – or someone with no connection to the establishment.
“He or she is sleeping peacefully,” he said. “It did them good to send me 50 euros. And I thought it was a nice gesture.”
He has distributed the money between his three daughters.
